President Master Alexey Kunin 8-dan Ju-jitsu.


The Governing Body and International Headquarters of AJJIF:


7377 Santa Monica Blvd. Plummer Park,

West Hollywood USA / tel: 323.512.2538


Mailing address: 1335 N. Poinsettia PL. # 2 Los Angeles, CA 90046 USA


 URL: www.katabami-jujitsu.com

E-mail: info@katabami-jujitsu.com


The purpose and goal of AJJIF is to preserve disappearing Traditional Ju-Jitsu in the World. Establish support, development, friendship, mutual cooperation, growth, education, and promotion of Traditional & Classical Ju-Jitsu in the World. To recognize and register all different styles & families of Ju-Jitsu in the World. To establish International Ju-Jitsu seminars and training camps. To support International Ju-Jitsu community: Organizations, Schools, Dojo’s and Clubs. To recognize, support and register International Ju-Jitsu teachers and students by recognizing their skills, and knowledge. Based on fair and honest International Recognition System of Membership and Rank Validation, Recognition and Promotion.


The AJJIF symbol is represented by Chrysanthemum ( kiku ) plant. Ancient Japanese family crest ( mon or monsho in Japanese ) Chrysanthemum plant represent nobility and purity. It was known as one of the "four princes" among subjects of art. Chrysanthemum plant resemblance to the sun led it to be called "sun spirit". The chrysanthemum-sun is in fact one of the most universal of ancient Japanese design motifs. Warriors use the family crest or mon for identification on the battlefield. The legends associated Chrysanthemum plant with medicinal properties and longevity. During the Heian period it was popular with aristocracy and was close associated with the imperial line.

AJJIF Board of Directors:

President : Alexey Kunin, Hanshi 8 Dan Ju-Jitsu,
7 Dan Kodokan Judo,

6 Dan Kenpo Karate
Head of Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu

Vice President : LTC, Stanislav Holodkov, 8 Dan Karate-Do
President of Fudokan Karate-Do Federation ( Asia )
President of Hand to Hand Combat Federation ( Asia )
Former Afghanistan Veteran, Commander of Elite Russian Special Forces "SPETSNAZ"

Executive Director: Anatoli Akimtsev
Master of Sports in Boxing of the former USSR
President of Russian Boxing Association
Vice President of Russian Martial Arts Federation

General Secretary : Olga Kunin, Sensei 1 Dan Ju-Jitsu
Master of Sports in Gymnastics of Russia
Doctor of Natural Medicine

The representatives of AJJIF in the world:


(The Governing Body & International Headquarters)

Katabami Ryu Ju-jitsu

Master Alexey Kunin

8 Dan Katabami Ryu Ju-jitsu
7 Dan
Kodokan Judo, 6 Dan Kenpo-Karate

Address: 7377 Santa Monica Blvd. Plummer Park, West Hollywood USA / tel: 323.512.253

Mailing address: 1335 N. Poinsettia PL. # 2 Los Angeles, CA 90046 USA

 URL: www.katabami-jujitsu.com

E-mail: info@katabami-jujitsu.com

Russian Federation

Moscow office

Seikai Judokai and the Moscow Federation of Ju-Jutsu and Kobudo

Sergey Krutovskikh
Shihan 6 Dan Ju-Jitsu

URL: http://ju-jutsu.ru
E-mail: seikai@ju-jutsu.ru



Ten Shin Ichi Ryu

Doshu Shiro Shintaku,
9 Dan,Founder of Ten Shin Ichi Ryu
Vice President & Senior Director USA of
Kodo Butoku Renmei

URL: http://www.tenshinichiryu.com
E-mail: tsir.office@verizon.net


Independent Association of the
Ju-Jitsu & Self-Defense

, Ukraine

Vladislav Shipinsky
Founder & President of the Independent Assotiation of the Ju-jitsu & Self-defense

Independent Assotiation of Self-defense(Tomsk, Russia) Ukrainian representative

Address: Prospekt Geroev Stalingrada 27, Kiev, Ukraine

Mailing address: 04108 Natalii Uzhviy str. 4-a ap.94. Kiev. Ukraine

Tel/fax: +38-044-467-46-55 / Handy:+38-050-445-51-57

URL: www.jiu-jitsu.kiev.ua

E-mail: jiu-jitsu-kiev@yandex.ru



Milton Ju-jitsu

Robert Krantz
Shihan 7 Dan Ju-Jitsu

World Martial Arts Hall of Fame Canadian Representative
World Kobudo Federation Ontario Representative

URL: http://home.cogeco.ca/~miltonjj
E-mail: rkranstz@cogeco.ca


Public Association of the Hand-to-Hand fight & Ju-Jitsu "Lotus"

Dmitriy Cherkasov
1 Dan Ju-Jitsu

Independent Assotiation of Self-defense(Tomsk, Russia) Belarusian representative

Address: Prospekt Oktyabrya 50, Gomel, Belarus

Tel: +375-232-57-47-15 / Handy: +375-297-30-48-27 ///////// E-mail:cherkes_2002@mail.ru



Samurai Ju-Jitsu Association International
World Ju-Jitsu / AIKI - Bujutsu Federation
European Association of Daito Ryu AIKI - Bujutsu

Siegfried Boedeker
Soke 10 Dan Ju-Jitsu

President of the Samurai Ju-Jitsu Association International
President of the World Ju-Jitsu / AIKI - Bujutsu Federation
President of the European Association of Daito Ryu AIKI - Bujutsu


Academia de Ju-Jitsu Joao Santos

Joao Santos
3 Dan Ju-Jitsu

Ishin Ryu Ju-jitsu Portugal representative
E-mail: joao@ishinryu.com


Dai Nippon Butoku

Pedro R. Dabauza,
Kyoshi 7 Dan Ju-Jitsu.

President of the International Budo Union
Vice President of the European Ju-Jitsu Union
URL: http://www.dabauza.com
E-mail: dabauza@epersonas.net

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Kingdom Martial Arts Institute

Sheikh / Dr. Ali Atiq Al-Atiq
6 Dan Karate / Kung Fu
Experienced in Ju-jitsu

URL: http://www.8ali.net
E-mail: ali_alatiq@yahoo.com


Tai-Jitsu ryu Kurodaiya

Krishna Gopal
Shihan 6 Dan Ju-Jitsu

URL: http://www.zelfverdediging.com
E-mail: kurodaiya@hotmail.com

Russian Federation

Siberian office

Siberian Jiu-Jitsu Association

Oleg Pankratov
4 Dan Ju-Jitsu

URL: http://jiu-jitsu.nsk.su
E-mail: pankratov61@mail.ru

Great Britain


Sergio Ugrinoff,
2 Dan ( WTF )

E-mail: mastros@rambler.ru
