KYIV 2005 |
Schedule for the International Traditional & Combat Ju-Jitsu Seminar in
29 September -
29 September (
Thursday )
Arrival of the delegations and guests
Registration and housing at the hotel
Late dinner Disco at the night club
30 September (
Friday )
10:00 - 13:00 Tour of the historic & beautiful city of Kiev
13:15 - 14:00 Diner
14:00 - 16:00 Rest
17:00 Opening Ceremonies
2 technical training sessions ( clinics )
2,5 hours each ( 2 groups masters and students ) - Theme: Combat Ju-Jitsu
Instructors: Hanshi Alexey
Kunin and Shihan
Nikolay Vasilev
one instructor working with students and other instructor working with masters
and then switching ( break between the groups approximately 30 min ) After the
training late supper or tea on the banks of the river, overlooking the
beautiful panoramic view of the Dnepr river
1 October (
Saturday )
10:00 Combat Ju-Jitsu Tournament using the
"Combat Ju-Jitsu Rules"
Demonstration of Self-Defense Techniques
17:00 Diner and Awards
Evening - Sauna and Tea in some exotic and beautiful place
2 October (
Sunday )
10:00 - 2 Technical Training Sessions 2,5 hours each ( 2 groups masters
and students )
Theme: Combat Ju-Jitsu. Instructors: Hanshi Steve
Barnett and Hanshi Alexey Kunin. One will work with the students the
other with the masters and then switch the groups ( break
between the training sessions 30 min )
Qigong & Tai Chi
At the end, formation of the participants and speeches ( 30 min )
AJJIF International Combat
Ju-Jitsu Seminar price list in Kiev,
Hotel "
AJJIF members 5 Dan and up no fees for the seminar
AJJIF members 3 Dan - 5 Dan 20 e* / seminar
AJJIF members 1 Dan - 3 Dan 30 e* / seminar
All other AJJIF members 40 e* / seminar
non AJJIF members 50 e* / seminar
Tour of the city 5 e*/ person
Award Banquet on the last day of the seminar in the evening 30 e* / person
- Alexey Kunin, Hanshi
9 Dan Daito Ryu Aiki Jiu-Jitsu,
9 Dan Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu,
8 Dan Combat Karate,
7 Dan Kodokan Judo.
President of the AJJIF
Head of the Katabami Ryu Ju-Jitsu
Honorary President of the
Federal Alliance Bujutsu of
Rules for
International Combat Ju-Jitsu Tournament
Short Tournament Rules:
1. Match Classification.
Tournament will be held on the wrestling mats or on the tatami
size 6 meters by 6 meters.
The fight will be full contact, without any stops.
Time of each match is 2 min. Extra time will be given 1 min. Till the first
active execution.
2. Conditions allowing for competition.
Competitors mast be qualified, meet certain age requirements and submit proper
documentation to the regulation committee ( that is
listed in the committee rules & regulations ).
3. Uniform of the competitors.
Judo or Ju-Jitsu Gi ( Kimono ). White or blue color ( black
if judges approve ).
Uniform mast have top and bottom pants.
On the hands special gloves allowing for strikes & grabs, not weigh more
then 8 ounces ( the gloves will be given by the
tournament officials ).
Competitors are not allowed to wear anything that could lead to injuries:
rings, jewelry, watches, chains... ).
Competitors should be competing with short clipped nails and clean uniform.
Mandatory protective gear has to be worn during the match: groin cup,
underneath the pants.
Not mandatory protective gear: mouth peace, elbow protectors, ankle and knees
4. Weight categories:
Young teenagers ( 14-16 ) - till 50 kg, till 55 kg, till 60 kg, till 67.5 kg,
till 75 kg, above 75 kg.
Older teenagers ( 17-18 ) - till 60 kg, till 67.5 kg, till 75 kg, till 82.5 kg,
above 82.5 kg
Adults ( 19 years old and higher ) - till 60 kg, till 67.5 kg, till 75 kg, till
82.5 kg, till 90 kg, above 90 kg.
5. Victory Awarded:
Clean Victory:
From a strike leading to knockout;
From a pain technique;
From a chocking technique;
For leaving the mat 3 times;
For a continues serious of strikes during the grappling, when there is
impossible to defend ( during the complete control of the opponent ).
Decision of the judges:
For first active execution during extra time;
If one of the participants refusing to continue the match;
Removal of the opponent by his coach or representative of his team;
Removal by the decision of a Medical Doctor;
Removal by the disqualification.
Active execution is qualified by any strike or throw
getting the opponent out of the mat area.
6. Allowing executions:
Strikes by hands or legs to the head;
Strikes by hands or legs to the body;
Strikes by hands or legs to the legs;
Strikes by knee in the kneeling position to the body;
Pain techniques to the hands and legs;
Chocking techniques.
7. Not allowed executions:
Strikes to the eyes, throat, neck and back of the neck;
Strikes to the spine, collar bone, groin;
Strikes to the knee;
Strikes with the fingers, elbow, bites;
Pain techniques to the fingers;
Throws on the head;
Throws holding the head with two hands;
Throws with the pain control techniques;
Arching backwards, twisting the neck and spine;
Execution of pain and chocking techniques with a jerk or snatch;
Strikes to the head during the grappling on the ground with the full contact;
Grabbing the groin, ears, nose, face;
Over arching the knee in the unnatural position of movement.
8. Disqualification and warning
Execution of illegal moves, that will leads to no
injuries. The competitor will get a warning. After 3 warnings it becomes
If a competitor can not continue the match because of the illegal moves his
opponent executed, then the one who made the illegal moves receives a
disqualification and removal from the tournament.
The judges staff consist of:
Head judge;
Medical Doctor;
Judge in charge of the match area;
Side judges;
Time keeper.
Protest is petitioned by the representative of the team in writing and decision
is made by the head judge immediately after the match. Before
the next round of weight category.